Items relating to Ethiopia, Eritrea, Mozambique, Sudan 1983 - 1987

Date Created Title Expanded Number
2/12/1985 Interview Vlado S. Zakula by Judith Spiegelman: Childhood during war; career beginnings; water; Ethiopia; Eritrea; Drought; training; CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-00144PDF
2/12/1985 Interview Vlado S. Zakula by Judith Spiegelman: Childhood during war; career beginnings; water; Ethiopia; Eritrea; Drought; training; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1995-0044
1/26/1983 Red Cross Radio Prize to Promote PHC in Africa 1983. Report of the Jury (WHO, LRCS, UNICEF and URTNA) awarding the 1983 Prize. Also the radio play by Tsenna Mengistu (Ethiopia) that won 1st Prize. CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000380
4/1/1983 PSC and the Ethiopia Country Programme. Report by Maurice Bryan, UNICEF, Nairobi CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000213
1/8/2010 at 11:54 AM FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. Link item for web publshing - Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Mozambique 1983 - 1987 CF-RAI-USAA-DPP-RAM-2010-00002