CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/2004-00238 Items related to UNICEF Health Policy found in Executive Board & other Docs - already in pdf format

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External ID Title Expanded Number Notes
SP/SSC/WSF-007.01 UNICEF/WHO Joint Committee on Health Policy. II. World Summit for Children : Follow-up actions. Annex 4: World Summit for Children: Immediate goals for 1995. (Executive Board Decision 1993/16). CF/RAI/NYHQ/SP/SSC/2002-00024 WORLD SUMMIT FOR CHILDREN Follow-up action: 4. The Committee welcomed and saw the need for intermediate goals in order to achieve the longer-term targets of the Summit. It noted, however, that individual regions and countries would have to set their own priorities and timetables within those parameters. Country priorities would be most accurately reflected in the national programmes of action, already completed or currently in the process of completion in some 140 countries. All countries that had not yet embarked on such programmes should be encouraged to do so, and to complete them as soon as possible; 5. The Committee endorsed intermediate goals [as contained in annex 4 reproduced below]. It noted the importance of investment in capacity-building within countries, together with the motivation and training that would permit the implementation of programmes on an integrated basis - particularly within the framework of PHC - and their monitoring . . . .
SP/SSC/WSF-007.01 Follow-up to the World Summit for Children. Executive Board Decision 1992/29 on UNICEF / WHO Joint Committee on Health Policy CF/RAI/NYHQ/SP/SSC/2002-01290  

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Keefe (Proj Dev & Rec/Arch Officer), Adhiratha (Mr.)