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Title : Follow-up to the World Summit for Children
Document Type : Executive Board Decisions - Programme

Country : Global Document Symbol/Series: 1992 / 13
Year Published : 1992 PDF Link :
OSEB Doctype : Executive Board Decisions
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Executive Summary:

Document Text:

On the recommendation of the Programme Committee,

The Executive Board,

Having reviewed the Executive Director's progress report on the follow-up to the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1992/12),

Recognizing that the follow-up to the World Summit for Children has been substantial and widespread and that a serious start towards the realization of the goals adopted by the World Summit has been made by many countries,

Aware that implementation of the World Summit Declaration and Plan of Action will be the subject of a report by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council,

Recalling also that the Secretary-General of the United Nations was requested by the World Summit to arrange for a mid-decade review, at all appropriate levels, of the progress being made towards implementing the commitments of the World Summit Declaration and Plan of Action,

Aware also that Agenda 21 (A/CONF/151/PC/L.72) of the recently concluded United Nations Conference on Environment and Development has endorsed the goals of the World Summit for Children and called upon Governments to implement them as an important step towards sustainable development,

Mindful that the national programmes of action (NPAs) can be valuable means for all States in implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child,

1. Welcomes the initiatives taken by all States to expedite the implementation of NPAs and other follow-up measures to the World Summit for Children, including the Organization of African Unity International Conference on Assistance to African Children, the League of Arab States High-Level Meeting on Children, the Second South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Conference on Children and the review of World Summit follow-up organized as part of the Ibero-American Summit and the Summit of Central American States and the Caribbean Summit for Children;

2. Invites countries that have not taken any action towards, or are delayed in, the preparation of NPAs to complete these expeditiously as part of the solemn commitment their heads of State or Government undertook by signing the Declaration and Plan of Action;

3. Requests those countries in which NPAs are in draft or outline form to finalize them and to move them to the implementation stage;

4. Suggests that Governments develop, review and implement NPAs with the active participation of all relevant sectors of society, including non-governmental organizations;

5. Invites countries to integrate their NPAs in the national planning process by incorporating them into long- or medium-term development plans or public investment programmes where they exist;

6. Further invites all States to re-examine their national budgets with a view to increasing the relative share allocated for the fulfilment of the goals of the World Summit for Children;

7. Invites, in this respect, donor countries, in particular those in a position to do so, to consider increasing their development assistance budgets with a view to according a higher priority for achieving the goals of the World Summit for Children as adapted in NPAs of developing countries;

8. Invites United Nations agencies and international financial institutions that have not done so to develop plans and programmes for World Summit follow-up and to report to their respective governing bodies, in accordance with paragraph 35 (i) of the World Summit Plan of Action, and all relevant agencies to provide support at the country level for the preparation and implementation of NPAs;

9. Invites the Committee on the Rights of the Child to make full use of NPAs in reviewing progress made by States parties in their implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

10. Requests the Executive Director to submit to the regular session of the Executive Board in 1993 a report on the implementation of the present decision;

11. Recommends that the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly give appropriate priority to the review of progress on the follow-up to the World Summit for Children in accordance with General Assembly resolution 45/217 of 21 December 1990.