Home | Main Page Title :Follow-up to the World Summit for Children Document Type :Executive Board Decisions - Programme Country :GlobalDocument Symbol/Series: 1994/A/2 Year Published : 1994 PDF Link : OSEB Doctype : Executive Board Decisions Detailed information (click on the twistee to see more) Executive Summary: Document Text: The Executive Board 1. Invites all countries to review their national programmes of action (NPAs) to ensure that the mid-decade goals are appropriately incorporated into their national planning processes, while taking into account long-term sustainability, and that sufficient priority and resources be devoted to their achievement; 2. Acknowledges its decision 1993/12 (E/ICEF/1993/14), which invited donor countries and international financial institutions in a position to do so to increase and sustain their share of official development assistance (ODA) commitment to social priority sectors, and national Governments in a position to do so to increase their share of national budgetary allocations for the same sectors, bearing in mind, as appropriate, the levels of 20 per cent of total ODA and national budgetary allocations for those sectors recommended in the 1992 Human Development Report; 3. Invites the Economic and Social Council to discuss thoroughly the concept of "20/20", stressing in particular poverty eradication within the context of sustainable development; 4. Recommends that those countries which have not already done so establish mechanisms for monitoring progress towards the goals of their NPAs, including appropriate high-level meetings to review the state of progress, with the participation of all sectors of civil society, including the mass media; 5. Urges the Preparatory Committee of the World Summit for Social Development to take into account the Declaration and Plan of Action of the World Summit for Children in its preparatory draft documents and notes that the Social Summit provides an occasion for the nations of the world to report on the progress being made in keeping the promises made for children at the Children's Summit, with special reference to progress being made towards the mid-decade goals; 6. Reiterates the request made to the Secretary-General at the World Summit for Children to arrange for a mid-decade review of progress being made towards implementation of the commitments of the Declaration and Plan of Action of the Summit.