CF-RAI-USAA-DB01-HS-2004-00308 Additional Item linking docs related to Maurice Pate, first Executive Director of UNICEF. Link to those already in elec format : Including mention of Pate in other UNICEF staff Interviews, M.Pate award etc

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External ID Title Expanded Number
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0058 ; CF/HST/INT/REY-001/M Interview Ambassador Reyes by Laura Lopez-Lising: As Board Delegate; Views on UNICEF; Philippines; Use of local media; Staff: Pate, CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0058
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0062 ; CF/HST/INT/SIN-001/M Interview Adelaide Sinclair by John Charnow: Inception of UNICEF; Canadian Gov't view; As Canadian Board Rep; Financing; UNRRA; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0062
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0063 ; CF/HST/INT/SOL-001/M Interview Victor Soler-Sala by John Charnow: Pre-UNICEF Work; Recruitment; Start of reference library; Social welfare and planning; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0063
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0064 ; CF/HST/INT/THE-001/M Interview Nils Thedin by Tarzie Vittachi: Pre-UNICEF Work; Spanish child refugees; Swedish UNICEF Committee; Radaa Barnen; Board issues; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0064
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0070 ; CF/HST/INT/JCB-001/M Interview Betty Jacob by Judith Spiegelman: First meeting of Maurice Pate and Danny Kaye UNRRA; Foreign Affairs Committee; US Government; Congress; Germany; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0070
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0075 ; CF/HST/INT/BAR-001/M Interview Grace Holmes Barbey by John Charnow: Recruitment; Impressions of Pate; Pates use of personal finace for UNICEF UNAC; Start of GCO; Hoover; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0075
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0077 ; CF/HST/INT/BEE-001/M Interview Victor Beermann by Doris Muck: Pre-UNICEF Work; Australia; Maurice Pate; Fundraising; Dutch contributn; Viet Nam; Water; India; Norway CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0077
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0079 ; CF/HST/INT/BRA-001/M Interview Martha Branscombe by John Charnow: PAGES MISSING UNICEF Origins; Lenroot; Mary Lord; Eleanor Roosevelt; Pate; Rajchman; Eastern Europe; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0079
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0091 ; CF/HST/INT/EDW-001/M Memoirs of Paul B. Edwards with Pauline Bessell: ONLY PAGES 16 and 17 FOUND; E.J.R. Heyward; Sam Keeny; Brian Jones; Maurice Pate; Herbert CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0091
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0096 ; CF/HST/INT/FIN-001/M Interview Maxwell Finger by Sherwood Moe: Background; UNICEF as organization; Early days; Fundraising; Pate; Grant; Labouisse; Staff; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0096

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Keefe (Proj Dev & Rec/Arch Officer), Adhiratha (Mr.)