CF-RAI-USAA-DB01-HS-2004-00308 Additional Item linking docs related to Maurice Pate, first Executive Director of UNICEF. Link to those already in elec format : Including mention of Pate in other UNICEF staff Interviews, M.Pate award etc

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External ID Title Expanded Number
E/ICEF/1995/CRP.0028 Remarks by Ms. Carol Bellamy, Executive Director of UNICEF at the presentation of the 1995 Maurice Pate Award to Dr. Ihsan Dogramaci, New York CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/1997-05027
E/ICEF/1995/CRP.0029 Statement by H.E.Ambassador Khalil Makkawi, President of the UNICEF Executive Board, at the presentation of the 1995 UNICEF Maurice Pate Award to Professor Ihsan Dogramaci of Turkey CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/1997-05028

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Keefe (Proj Dev & Rec/Arch Officer), Adhiratha (Mr.)