Items related to E/ICEF = UNICEF Executive Board related Docs Series [some are no longer used or superceded]

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External ID Title Expanded Number
E The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations [Official Records] CF/RA/DS/USAA/DB01/2001-0015
E/ICEF General Series of UNICEF Executive Board. [Official Records] of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations CF/RA/DS/1997-001A
E/ICEF TEMP TO ASSIGN Default Doc Series of Registered Items related to UNICEF Executive Board. [E/ICEF Official Records] of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations - Which have not been assigned in RAMP-TRIM to specific Document Sub-Series as of current date. CF/RA/DS/USAA/DB01/2003-0001
E/ICEF-PDF (CHI) General Series of UNICEF Executive Board. [Official Records - Chinese ] of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. in PDF format - some with previous version attached in TIFF CF/RA/DS/USAA/DB01/2003-0003
E/ICEF-PDF (ENG) General Series of UNICEF Executive Board. [Official Records] of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. in PDF format - some with previous version attached in TIFF CF/RA/DS/USAA/DB01/2001-0024
E/ICEF-TIFF General Series of UNICEF Executive Board. [Official Records] of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations CF/RA/DS/USAA/DB01/2001-0025
E/ICEF/AB Committee on Administrative Budget [1961] see also E/ICEF/AB/L. & E/ICEF/ADM CF/RA/DS/1997-004-01
E/ICEF/AB/L Committee on Administration and Finance: -Unicef Executive Board CF/RA/DS/1997-004A
E/ICEF/AB/L-PDF (CHI) Committee on Administration and Finance: - Unicef Executive Board - PDF Versions - Chinese CF/RA/DS/USAA/DB01/2003-0002
E/ICEF/AB/L-PDF (ENG) Committee on Administration and Finance: - Unicef Executive Board - PDF Versions - English Language CF/RA/DS/USAA/DB01/2001-0023

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Keefe (Proj Dev & Rec/Arch Officer), Adhiratha (Mr.)